An international future

Open to studies and the world

I guide students towards a specific objective: excellent preparation to earn the International Baccalaureate Diploma, an international qualification. Lessons are fundamentally based on enhancing the students’ ability to learn skills, as well as to confront a variety of problems that they may face.

The psychological factor that enters into play is key. One must manage stress to the best of one’s ability, adjusting oneself to the tests proposed by teachers, whose results become determinants of future university admissions, particularly in the two years of the IB Diploma.

The preparatory levels required of students are significant, and young people often find themselves needing to confront the choices that put their very futures into question.

My approach

  • Analysis of the pupil as a person and as a student
    It’s important to comprehend the personal predispositions of each pupil, his or her strengths and objectives in the long term. Equally fundamental is the structure of the individual plan that takes into account the university and career paths that the student desires to under take in the future, so that his or her curriculum is appropriate in both subject matter and in terms of grades, in order to present strong applications to colleges and universities.
  • Identification of the actual difficulty

    Managing the difficulties and the pressure that present themselves during test-taking becomes key to obtaining good results. To me, it’s important to evaluate whether the difficulties encountered are due to an issue of superficial topic comprehension, or rather tied to factors of time management in completing homework assignments.

  • Elaboration of an ad-hoc, applied methodology
    I maintain that it’s fundamental for young people to be aware of their individual weaknesses, but more importantly, of which qualities are their strengths, in order to best confront the tests that they will undergo. In fact, knowing one’s abilities and potential permits pupils under testing situations to optimize their energies towards the goal of obtaining the best results possible. A winning approach is this: first of all, to complete those questions in which one is most secure, responding in good time in order to guarantee a solid score; then subsequently, to have enough remaining time to concentrate on the tougher portions of the test.

Other than being a competent and sensitive teacher,
Luca has proved to be a delightful person and a point of reference for my children.

Ciò che mi piace di più delle lezioni di Luca è che con lui posso essere me stesso, dire tutto quello che penso
o che non ho capito perché non mi sento giudicato ed è disposto a fare di tutto per spiegarmi in modo chiaro e conciso.
È molto sicuro e mi trasmette sicurezza.

Da quando Luca lavora come tutor al fianco di Nicolò, Y12, il suo approccio alla matematica è cambiato:
ha acquisito un metodo nell’affrontare gli esercizi e la sua autostima è decisamente migliorata insieme ai voti!

Ragazzo sempre disponibile, simpatico, molto preparato, con grandi capacità di far comprendere la matematica!
Con lui le lezioni sono istruttive e divertenti, spiegandoti in modo facile e comprensibile anche gli argomenti più difficili.
Mi ha aiutato molto e lo consiglio vivamente!

I started working with Luca from 6th grade and from then he always supported me
and makes math easier for me because of his understanding
and his always calm and fun attitude that doesn't interfere with the learning.

Abbiamo conosciuto Luca 4 anni fa e ne apprezziamo la preparazione e la professionalità unite a gentilezza e disponibilità eccezionali. Luca ha supportato i nostri due figli adolescenti in veste di tutor per le materie: matematica, fisica e biologia (in inglese, Standard Level e High Level) per la preparazione al diploma di maturità IB e, precedentemente, per gli esami IGCSE.

Luca è un professore molto in gamba. Sia simpatico che concentrato durante tutta la durata della lezione.
Riesce sempre a spiegare bene e a farmi capire i metodi migliori per risolvere vari problemi.
È ormai da più di tre anni che continuò a fare lezioni con Luca e mi trovo veramente bene!